Heston Russell joined the Australian Army in 2003 and was commissioned as an officer in December 2006. In 2010, Heston qualified as a Special Forces Commando Officer. During his 16 years of service, Heston completed numerous operational deployments including Timor Leste, Afghanistan,Iraq and other Counter Terrorism missions. He also served on exchange to the US Special Forces for a year of his career. Heston concluded his career as the officer in charge of the Australian commando training and development program. Upon leaving the military, Heston partnered with and led the establishment of the fitness brand Barry’s Bootcamp in Australia and Singapore. Heston now lives in Sydney where he works as the Chief Partnerships & Strategy Officer for the Veteran’s Charity Swiss8.org, and as the co-owner of Holism Health in Kings Cross.

In this episode we dive into;

  • COMMUNITY and why having those around you that will call you forward, keep you authentic and challenge you is the most important ingredient in moving through life with authenticity and integrity.
  • DECLUTTERING life by letting go of the layers and extrinsic motivators and connect back to your core, create the frameworks you need to catch you before you fall to enable you to be confidently who you are.
  • Authenticity, vulnerability and why being yourself is actually what you crave and what the world needs more of.

Guest: @hestonrussell

Host: @samasser

Podcast: @theinnerexperience

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