In this episode, I address a listener's question on how to support a daughter through the trauma of sexual assault with sensitivity and without adding to her burden. 


  • Responding to Sexual Assault: Understanding the significance of a supportive response and how it can influence a survivor's recovery journey.
  • Practical Tips for Support: I discuss tangible steps and strategies for supporting survivors, emphasising autonomy, safe spaces, and the importance of consent even in familial interactions.
  • Navigating the Healing Process: Insights into the healing journey, acknowledging the uniqueness of each survivor's experience and the importance of patience and personal care in recovery.

Key Takeaways:

  • Believe and Support: The paramount importance of believing the survivor and offering unconditional support, understanding, and empathy.
  • Empowering Autonomy: Strategies to empower survivors by offering choices and respecting their autonomy in the healing process.
  • Self-care for Supporters: The necessity for supporters to seek their own support, recognising the impact of secondary trauma and ensuring they are well-equipped to provide sustained assistance.

Featured Quotes:

  • "Your support is crucial, and you can support them by believing them, being a good listener, and never blaming them." – Marie Vakakis
  • "Approach with care and allow as much autonomy and choice as you can." – Marie Vakakis
  • "Listen actively and with empathy, allowing her to express thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment." – Marie Vakakis

Mentioned Links and Resources:

The Get Ready for Therapy Journal Here

Connect with Marie

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