Dhruv is a part journalist and part activist and a full-time YouTuber. Dhruv is famous for his political and social commentary. He is quickly becoming the face of the alternative media movement in India
@1.45 Dhruv Rathee's inception
@5.31 Risks involved with the content that Dhruv produces
@7.40 Communicating that Dhruv's research methods are as objective as they can be
@11.09 "The interpretation problem" (JNU as reference)
@15.4 Dhruv's history with AAP
@17.35 Should we criticize the opposition more than the center?
@19.26 The Situation of Oil prices
@23.45 How do we go about tackling corona
@30.25 Risks of comparing India with Pakistan?
@35.10 Scandinavian countries and the pinnacle of human development
@36.15 Decentralization of power to make states more independent?
@44.55 What content does Dhruv Rathee consume?
@46.28 The Arnab Goswami situation
@51.32 Online trolls, IT Cells and the Indian National Congress
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