In today's episode, Jenni sits down with the extraordinary Anya Culling, whose journey from novice runner to one of the fastest female marathoners in the UK is nothing short of incredible.

Anya is pure sunshine, and her story is living proof of the transformative power of running and shows how “ordinary” people possess extraordinary potential. 

What started as a way to improve her mental health during lockdown quickly turned into a passion that would propel her to the elite ranks of marathon racing. 

Her secret to success? prioritise the enjoyment of every run.

For Anya, running isn't just a sport—it's a lifestyle, a source of fulfillment, and a celebration of our body's incredible capabilities.

From completing her first London Marathon in 2019 in 4 hours and 34 minutes to achieving an astonishing time of 2 hours and 34 minutes the next time she ran it, Anya's journey is about the power of persistence, passion, and joyful dedication. 

Oh, and did you know she’s a massive RunPod fan!!!!!

Get ready to be motivated, uplifted, and inspired by the incredible journey of Anya Culling. Watch this space.

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