The Sevo Show

The Sevo Show


What do you want to achieve in life? And more importantly, why? If you're unsure and have doubts to either question, this is the podcast for you!

Sharing from Sev's personal experiences of how he bec...

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What do you want to achieve in life? And more importantly, why? If you're unsure and have doubts to either question, this is the podcast for you!

Sharing from Sev's personal experiences of how he became an educator, TikTok guru, building three successful businesses, leaving the education system to do bigger things and inspire more people.

An insight into the everyday life of Seva Mozhaev, an aspiring visual creator who is chasing his dreams, sharing his failures and successes along the way.

Subscribe to hear weekly interviews with inspirational guests from all over the world.

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Seva Mozhaev. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Seva Mozhaev och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.