🎙️Why You Feel Stuck In Your Past & Finding Self-Awareness To Heal From Trauma | Dr. Danica Thornberry

We feature a conversation with Danica Thornberry, the author of 'Stick it to Me, Baby' and a fertility angel, alongside Koya's personal fertility journey. Danica shares her unexpected fertility challenges despite being a health-conscious acupuncturist, leading to her unconventional path to motherhood with two teenagers conceived under unique circumstances. We also talked about:

Importance of body listening, strength, and spirituality.

Holistic fertility approach, empowering women.

Prep for fertility changes, nutrition, holistic health.

Hope through personal story, self-awareness, support.

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Available on: YouTube, Spotify + Apple Podcast

#koyawebb #lifestyledesign #getlovedup #spirituality #wellness #entrepreneurship


[00:00] Intro

[01:03] Danica's Journey: From Acupuncturist to Fertility Author

[01:42] The Power of Sharing Vulnerable Stories

[02:09] Facing Infertility: A Personal and Professional Challenge

[05:16] Embracing Spirituality and Grief Recovery in the Fertility Journey

[12:07] Fertile Foods and Menstrual Cycle Phases: A Deep Dive

[19:16] Maintaining Balance: Personal Insights and Fertile Thoughts

[28:17] Empowerment Through Faith and Inner Strength

[29:21] Navigating Life's Unexpected Turns

[29:31] Vulnerability and Honesty at Goop

[29:56] Unconventional Family Dynamics and Menopause Challenges

[30:56] The Power of Self-Care and Hormone Balance

[32:23] Fertility, Relationships, and Self-Reflection

[38:01] Holistic Approaches to Menopause and Wellness

[45:12] Empowering the Next Generation with Knowledge

[52:24] The Importance of Support and Self-Care

[55:14] Rapid Fire Questions

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