Episode Notes


The crew begins to piece together the story of the last four days before the Nabonidus crew went missing. Kathy notes strange behaviour in some of the recordings and finds evidence of what lies beyond the antechamber door. Meanwhile, Captain Francis plays a hunch that might result in their biggest lead yet.


Vehicular Accident/Panic Attack - Description of a vehicular accident and a related claustrophobia-based panic attack (6:13 - 7:12)

Loss of Bodily Autonomy - Two short scenes involving characters being unable to control their limbs and subsequent discussion (26:01 - 28:56)

Delusion/Hallucination - A scene involving a character in a state of delusion becoming worked up (44:10 - 45:15)

Tasering - A character is incapacitated by a device akin to a taser (44:55 - 45:15)

Twitter: @AmongStarsBones

Website: amongthestarsandbones.com

Patreon: patreon.com/amongthestarsandbones

Merch: TeePublic Store

Episode Transcript


Kathy - Jordan Cobb @inkphemeral

Adrienne - Julia Eve @juliaeve_voice

Ben - Chris Magilton @chrismagilton

Celia - Shakira Searle

Captain Francis - Oliver Smith @OliverSmithVAVO

Indira - Asha Lloyd @ashaactually

Hollister - Karim Kronfli @BullshotUK

Jensen - Whitney Johnson @EditrixW

Vinh Duong - Brandon Nguyen @MisplacedTextVA

Genevieve Meisner - Rebecca Owen @rowen_vo

Konstantinidis - Maia Harlap @maia_harlap

Private Trinh - Brandon Nguyen @MisplacedTextVA

Private Hubert - Rebecca Owen @rowen_vo

Sergeant Janowicz - Maia Harlap @maia_harlap

Johann Mueller - Jerron Bacat @JerronBacat

The Computer - Devin Madson @DevinMadson


Season 2 Theme music composed by Oliver Morris @oliverrmorris

Schubert's Serenade, recorded by AudioGarden, licensed from Motion Array

Erik Satie's Gnosienne No. 1, recorded by Joe O'Rourke Music, licensed from Motion Array

This episode was written and produced on the stolen land of the Dja Dja Wurrung people. We acknowledge their elders past, present and emerging. Sovereignty was never ceded.

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