Preachers should preach with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other, so we are told. Maybe Karl Barth told us so. Maybe someone in your church with an axe to grind. Or a sensitive conscience eager to be compassionate and relevant. Should we? In this episode, we continue our explorations of technique and propaganda with the help of Jacques Ellul, pressing the question: how can we possibly propagate the gospel with integrity in a media landscape polluted with propaganda?


1. Related episodes: Technique and Propaganda with Jacques Ellul, The Image of God, Powers and Principalities, Howard Thurman

2. And speaking of propaganda... I actually have yet another podcast, The Disentanglement Podcast, in which my husband Andrew and I try to figure out loud and in the midst and mess of life how to extricate ourselves from all the digital systems that entangle and ensnare us. It's half practical and half philosophical. Oh, and a whole lot shorter per episode than Queen of the Sciences. If that sort of thing matters to you.

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