Ruth-exclamation-point, because evidently Podbean won't let you do four-letter titles. Hmm. Well anyway, in this episode Dad and I talk through this absolutely delightful little book of the Old Testament, one of only two named for a woman and the only one named for a Gentile. In particular we explore the necessary and good yet self-contradicting and troubling aspects of the Law, why neither Law nor Love are improved by being reduced to one another, the personal nature of hesed (the Hebrew word for loving-kindness), and why none of it works without... God! God-exclamation-point!


1. LaCocque, Ruth

2. Smit and Fowl, Judges and Ruth

3. Related episodes: Joshua, The Saul Saga, How to Hack the Law

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Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Sarah Hinlicky Wilson. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Sarah Hinlicky Wilson och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.