Dad and I discuss Putin's invasion of Ukraine in two kingdoms perspective.


1. Related episodes: Whether One May Flee from a Deadly Plague; The 8th Commandment in Cancel Culture; Two Kingdoms 16th-Century Edition; Two Kingdoms 20th and 21st-Century Edition; Samuel Stefan Osusky (Dad’s Slovakia book); I Am a Brave Bridge (Sarah’s Slovakia book); Athanasius Against the World

2. Check out Dad’s book Before Auschwitz: What Christian Theology Must Learn from the Rise of Nazism

3. The Wolfhart Pannenberg quote comes from his Systematic Theology, vol. 2

4. What we’re calling the Orthodox Barmen Declaration: “A Declaration on the Russian World Teaching”

5. Aleksandr Dugin

6. Reinhold Niebuhr, Why the Christian Church Is Not Pacifist

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