Netlien charms a delve into giving her a ride to Mulen, while Januae successfully jaunts to a potentially more dangerous place than the one he left. A Ninth World Journal is written and produced by David S. Dear and is based on the roleplaying game Numenera by Monte Cook Games. Executive Producers for this episode: Carlos Finlay Michael West Netlien is played by Sarah Rhea Werner Gelment is played by Oliver Morris Januae is played by David S. Dear Queelee-at is played by Renee Russell Theme music is Hitman by Kevin MacLeod at We'd love it if you'd leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, Podchaser, Spotify, or anywhere else you can leave reviews. You can also support the show on our Patreon or subscribing to Apollo Plus. For transcripts and other info visit Most of all, thank you for listening! Rss Apple Podcaster →