Top 5 Questionable Disney Decisions In 2021

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Top 5 Questionable Disney Decisions In 2021 Chapters

00:00 - Greetings Fellow Citizens of Disneyland

01:21 - Questionable Disney Decision 01

05:45 - Questionable Disney Decision 02

10:39 - Questionable Disney Decision 03

17:24 - Questionable Disney Decision 04

27:23 - Questionable Disney Decision 05  

40 More Minutes Of Bonus Content Is Available At:

On today’s episode we explore the problem with Disney right now and break down some of the most question Disney decisions made in 2021. Now we are are not excited about the failure of Disneyland. We are always wanting Disney to win and not fail. The downfall of Disney brings us no joy, but in the last year Disney made some very questionable decisions that we wanted to explore. Is this the Fall of Disney or simply some missteps out of the 2020 global pandemic. Is the Disney Leadership Facing Creative Bankruptcy? Will Disney Fail? Or hopefully bounce back?

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