"This is really complex stuff, and it's not only a bilateral matter. It's not just black and white. It's beyond black and white." -- Hannibal B. Johnson, Keynote Speaker, Zarrow Mental Health Symposium

On today’s episode,  we’re thrilled that our dear friend Carmen White Janak is going to interview Hannibal B. Johnson, keynote speaker at this year's Zarrow Mental Health Symposium..

As many of you know, Hannibal wrote "Black Wall Street: From Riot to Renaissance in Tulsa's Historic Greenwood District." He is an attorney, author, and independent consultant specializing in diversity & inclusion/cultural competence issues and nonprofit governance. He chairs the Education Committee for the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial Commission.

Just a quick note that this podcast is a condensed and edited version of an hour-long Facebook Live event that happened on July 2nd. We’ve been holding onto this podcast version to help get everyone excited about Hannibal’s keynote address closer to the virtual conference coming up soon.

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