Join The Walking Dead co-producer and entrepreneur Oleg Livits to talk about this phenomenal show whose eleventh and final season is airing now. The Walking Dead poses as a zombie show, but it is about so much more: survival, lawlessness, community, morality and death. Based on a comic book series, this record-setting and acclaimed AMC+ series has generated 177 episodes and multiple spinoffs; it also boasts an enormous and engaged fan base. Oleg takes us through the show's history, the commitment of its contributors and stakeholders, and the challenges that arose during the pandemic. We also talk about a new project that he is developing, Friendly Heat, which is a travel docu-series about saunas and their health benefits. Oleg is observant and entertaining—you don't want to miss this episode.The Walking Dead Wiki that we refer to:'s Friendly Heat project: Comments? Potshots? Contact the show at: or like us on (it raises our visibility :) us on Patreon: on Twitter:@DiscreetGuideJennifer on LinkedIn: Guide Training:

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