Katie Jones has always been finance and business-minded. In high school, she really had two activities in life: her job and church activities. The only thing she was really taught about money was how to save it. She didn't know what she was saving for though. 

She went to a small Christian college in Colorado and throughout her college career, she always had at least one job and at times I had 3. She was blessed to have fallen in love with a man who is very frugal. When they met, she was working for a leasing agent for a property management firm. She worked there until God made it clear that property management was not the place she was meant to be, however, she did love real estate in general. 

While working there, she developed an interest in real estate investing and was determined to become an investor herself. Somehow, she got her risk-averse, youth pastor husband on board, and only 3 months after getting married, they bought their first rental property. She quit her job at the property management firm, followed God's call to start a blog, and help out a real estate brokerage with showings. 

Katie is passionate about teaching people how to implement their faith into their investing, their businesses, and their finances. "I believe we are all called to full-time ministry wherever we are at. It is super rewarding to educate people about real estate, finances, and entrepreneurship. I admit that I am nowhere near an expert in any of these things, but I am dedicated to self-educating because I believe it is right where God has called me to be!"

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