Grade A Nation

E180: Personal Food as Medicine Plans? Talking Elo Health (not Electric Light Orchestra) w/ Ari Tulla!


On this installment of Grade A Nation, Ari Tulla, the cofounder and CEO of nutrition service Elo checks in to talk about how better food choices are a core part of a strategy to achieve personal wellness and feeling healthier. Elo strives to give personalized nutrition products based on a collection of information about each member, as well as direct video chat consultations with a dietician.In the course of the conversation, we discuss the fast food epidemic, how so much is spent on wellness each year while more people are increasingly either overweight and feel sick, gaps in the current health system, whether it is appropriate to treat health as a high priced commodity, private personal data management and security in the health sector, the three things CEOs of companies must do, and the importance of prioritizing family time while still running a company. A powerful conversation that is delicious food for your noggin!To learn more about Elo, check out

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