When everything seems to be going wrong, then we should use our creativity to create art, create meaning, and create change

With all these hard things happening around us—the wildfires in Australia, the situations in the Middle East, the struggles that people are going through—I think it is important for those of us who are not living through those challenges to create. Those of us who are creating something are heros, in a way, because we are creating beauty and meaning for the world around us.

As a society, we don’t tend to value making art as much as we value making money. Things that are poetical or theoretical or emotional don’t tend to be valued as much. But those things are what make life beautiful, and are how we relate to one another. I mean—can you imagine a world without music or the theater or artwork? This is why we should use our creativity and celebrate it.

We all have creativity inside us, and I want to challenge you to think about what you can do each day to be a little more creative. If you need help, I created a five-step method for overcoming creative blocks (linked in the resources below), which I want to share with you. I think the biggest challenge is letting go of the temptation to compare ourselves to others. And even if you don’t feel like you “aren’t creative,” I want to challenge you to create something. Remember that it takes time for skills and creative vision to develop, and none of us started out knowing everything about photography or how to draw really well.

If we can all do something creative, and step outside our comfort zones every day, the world would change so much! So I want you to take on this challenge, and create, create, create!

The Private View Podcast is created by artist Mauren Brodbeck. She hosts two podcasts, PRIVATE VIEW and RAW AND RADICAL WOMEN IN THE ARTS PODCAST, which is an inspirational movement, resource, and community for cis and trans women who want to be creative and live a creative life, but who feel alone and struggle to claim the time and space they need to fully realize their potential.

RAW AND RADICAL WOMEN IN THE ARTS PODCAST is a series of conversations with outstanding women in the arts who are striving to live bold, authentic, creatively-fulfilling lives. In these interviews, they explore the themes of identity, vulnerability, authenticity, loneliness, alienation, discrimination, inspiration, empowerment, and social change.

In PRIVATE VIEW, Mauren shares her personal stories of discovery, process, practice, and the adversity she has encountered during her life and experience in the art world.

Resources Mentioned: Overcoming Creative Blocks in Five Easy Steps

For more information, please visit our website www.rawradical.com

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Mauren Brodbeck. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Mauren Brodbeck och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.