This is the third in a series of four lectures, presented by The Call, which we’re titling “Farrell Dobbs: Lessons from the Teamster Rebellions.”

The 1934 strikes established Teamsters Local 574 as one of the most effective and militant “instruments of class struggle” in US history.

In this lecture, socialist labor organizer Farrell Dobbs tells us about the battles that came afterward. Most significantly, Dobbs and Local 574 had to fight against International Teamsters President Daniel Tobin, who unsuccessfully attempted to destroy the militant local union in order to achieve a union-management arrangement.

Throughout this period, Local 574 succeeded in organizing over-the-road truck drivers across the whole Great Plains and Midwest region.

Please enjoy these lectures, and also be sure to check out The Call at

Thanks to the Holt Labor Library —, and the Marxist Internet Archive —

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