This is the second in a series of four lectures, presented by The Call, which we’re titling “Farrell Dobbs: Lessons from the Teamster Rebellions.”

This lecture picks up where the first one left off, covering the 1934 general strike. Dobbs talks about the unique role of class conscious and socialist leadership in union struggles.

As you’ll hear, the trucking bosses teamed up with the politicians, the newspapers, and international Teamsters union bureaucrats to attempt to suppress, discredit, and disorganize the strikers.

Dobbs describes the conflict as a “virtual civil war”. There were shootings, bloody brawls, long standoffs, surprise attacks, sieges, and tense negotiations. But the strikers, led by socialists, were successful thanks to heroic mass action, democratic organization, and strategic planning and execution.

Please enjoy these lectures, and also be sure to check out The Call at

Thanks to the Holt Labor Library —, and the Marxist Internet Archive —

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