Here's to the Power of Women!!!International Women's Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.  It’s a day dedicated to recognizing women’s achievements, coming together and supporting women-owned businesses, fundraising for women-owned non-profits, and lifting women up collaboratively.  The Role of Women in the Bible Historically, the portrayal of women in the Bible has varied and has often been influenced by the social and cultural contexts in which biblical translations were made.  One depiction would be through a patriarchal lens where translations were influenced by societies in which men held positions of power and authority, and a woman’s authority (or lack therof) was entirely dependent upon a male.  This resulted in the marginalization of women in the bible. Women were often portrayed in either a sterotypical role as wives, mothers or objects of desire, or in negative depictions such as the culprit of all sin, a seductress, or as a prostitute: Women’s stories were downplayed.  I didn’t grow up hearing stories of female empowerment in church.  I had never heard of Lydia, a business woman that funded Jesus’s ministry or Priscilla, a church planter. I knew about Esther, Ruth, and Mary.  But I didn’t realize how the cultural contructs influenced the way their stories were told. Recent translations and theologians have made great strides to reclaim women’s stories and experiences in the Bible, amplifying the voices of biblical characters such as Hagar, Mary, the woman at the well, and Dinah.  I am no theologian, biblical scholar, or expert in gender roles, but I have spent the last few years voraciously devouring scripturally supported written works that do a deep dive into this issue. Some of my favorites are:Jesus Feminist by Sarah BesseyNo More Holding Back and The In Between Place by Kat ArmstrongTell Her Story by Ninjay K. GuptaThe Making of Biblical Womanhood by Beth Allison Barr Lessons of female empowerment from the Bible There are lessons on women’s empowerment that can be found within the pages of the bible, recognizing and celebrating the diverse roles and abilities of women.  Esther, for example, was a Jewish queen in the Persian Empire who displayed bravery and resourcefulness to use her position of influence to save her people from destruction.  Esther’s story emphasizes the power of women to create change and stand up against in justice Mary Magdalene: One of Jesus’ followers and played a significant role in the New Testament.  She witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion, was the first to see him after his resurrection, and was entrusted with spreading the news.  Her story highlights the importance of women as witnesses and leaders in the early Christian community. Deborah, a prophetess and judge in the Old Testament, demonstrated strong leadership and courage.  She led Israel to victory in battle and provided wise counsel.  Her story highlights the importance of women’s leadership and their ability to make significant contributions.  These stories, among many others, showcase women’s empowerment, leadership, resilience, and wisdom.  They serve as sources of inspiration and encouragement for women today, reminding us of our inherent worth and potential for making a positive impact in our communities. The Bible addresses issues of women's rights and social justice in various ways. While some passages reflect the patriarchal norms of the time, there are also teachings and principles that promote equality, justice, and the dignity of all individuals. Here are a few ways in which the Bible addresses these issues: -Human Dignity: The Bible affirms the inherent worth and value of all individuals, regardless of gender. In Genesis 1:27, it states that both men and women are...

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