This week, Mr. Slim Turkey and I delve into the socio-psychological phenomenon known as "diffusion of responsibility." The phenomenon is often used to explain the BYSTANDER EFFECT, where in the midst of a large crowd, a person is less likely to receive aid and assistance in the event of an emergency.


The bystander effect may have even influenced motorists passing Richard Aderson and his killer on the side of I-84 on the evening of February 5, 1997.  With each driver relieved of the pressure to respond, thinking, "Someone else has probably called for help," they possibly drove by the homicide and never looked back.



This podcast may contain information that some may find disturbing.


Thanks to:


“Turkey Time” by Monk Turner is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0


"Our Hearts Have Been Misplaced In A Secret Location” by Uniform Motion under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US


And to:


Lickerman, Alex. "The Diffusion of Responsibility: Why assigning responsibility to groups doesn't work." Psychology Today, 14 June 2010,

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