In this episode, we interview the lovely Sam Payne, co founder of The Pink Elephants Support Network.

Sam and Gabbi started this not-for-profit charity after meeting for coffee and realising there needs to be more support for women who've experienced miscarriage. They have expanded their network to provide women, partners, hospitals and doctors with information about miscarriage, in the form of stunning pamphlets and information sheets.

To find out more about Pink Elephants Support Network check out the Website

or get in touch on Instagram / Facebook

Episode 3 sponsored by Aila and Lior

The beautiful cards 'I carried you' from Aila and Lior are personal declaration cards, because of Megan's belief in the power of words – declaring positivity and healing in a time that can be full of heartache.

The belief in the power of positive psychology.

And the belief that the emotions of pregnancy loss run deep, and that healing is a process.

The brand, Aila and Lior is named after Megan's two babies.

The two babies that she carried, but never held.

The two babies that changed her life forever.

Megan's hope is that these cards bring you what Aila and Lior brought to her - love and light.

Aila and Lior has offered the Still Mama Tribe listeners a generous discount 10% off use the code: TSMT



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