In this week's episode David speaks with classical guitarist, tonebase artist and composer, Laura Snowden! A scholar of the Julian Bream Trust, Laura has premiered several works commissioned by Bream himself. She speaks of her experiences working with Bream and composers including Julian Anderson, to develop a series of concerts at The Wigmore Recital Hall. A versatile composer herself, Laura describes compositional techniques including unique chamber ensemble instrumentation and incorporating the voice in spoken and tonal effects. Laura also talked about her folk ensemble, Tir Eolas, and how important it is to connect with audiences in both classical and non-classical settings. 

Today's release happens to be Laura's birthday: a very happy birthday from the tonebase community! 

Intro Music: Couperin Les Sylvains (Scott Tennant)

Light Perpetuum (Snowden)

-Vida Guitar Quartet, Amy Green saxaphone

Aida (Tir Eolas)

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