I am delighted to have the privilege of reconnecting with Dr. Ben Bikman today. (He was with me previously on episodes 114 and 168.) 

Dr. Bikman has a Ph.D. in Bio-energetics and also served as a postdoctoral fellow at the Duke-National University of Singapore, specializing in metabolic diseases. His current professional focus, as a scientist and Associate Professor at Brigham Young University, is on understanding the effects of elevated insulin, obesity regulation, diabetes management, the relevance of ketones, and the workings of mitochondrial function. He is also the author of a book I love and often recommend called Why We Get Sick. 

In today’s conversation, Dr. Bikman and I delve into a wide range of topics, including age-related changes in fat cells, gender-specific differences, the contrasting dynamics of hyperplasic and hypertrophic fat cells, and the impact of hormone replacement therapy and a metabolic buffer. We explore the changes in insulin sensitivity occurring during perimenopause and menopause and discuss the role of muscle, explaining how it can utilize either carbohydrates or fat for fuel. We also highlight the importance of strength training, discuss the impact of GLP-1 agonists- focusing specifically on Wegovy, and get into the effects of lifestyle factors like sleep and stress, the repercussions of endocrine-mimicking chemicals, and the significant impact of statin use with its associated diabetes risk. Lastly, we dive into the complex question of what poses more of a threat to our health- seed oils, high-fructose corn syrup, refined starches, or sugars? 


How our fat cells change with age 

How lifestyle factors impact insulin sensitivity

The hormonal changes that occur during perimenopause and menopause

Why it makes sense for women to have more fat cells than men

The importance of resistance training for building muscle

Risks associated with relying on GLP-1 agonists for weight loss

How immobility activates inflammatory pathways in muscles, leading to insulin resistance

How stress and poor sleep impact insulin resistance

Why is it essential to avoid high-carbohydrate or high-fat foods before bedtime?

How alcohol, plastics, and pesticides impact insulin resistance and fat cell biology

The potential risks of statin use

How seed oils, refined starches, and refined sugars contribute to health problems

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Connect with Dr. Ben Bikman

On his website

On social media: @benbikmanphd

Previous Episodes Featuring Dr. Ben Bikman

Ep. 114 – Why Obesity Matters When It Comes to Coronavirus – with Dr. Benjamin Bikman

Ep. 168 – What To Do About Insulin Resistance Disorders (and the Role that Digestion Plays) with Dr. Benjamin Bikman

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