Today, I have the privilege of connecting with Dr. Becky Campbell. She is a board-certified doctor of natural medicine, the founder of Dr. Becky, co-host of the Health Babes Podcast, and author of The 4-Phase Histamine Reset. 

Dr. Becky is a true expert in her field. In our conversation today, we look at many changes that occur with women in perimenopause and menopause, rendering them vulnerable to histamine sensitivity. We explore histamine, explaining what it is and where the histamine receptors are in the body, and get into the influence of genetic mutations on sleep. We look into anxiety and migraines, touching on the risk factors associated with histamine intolerances and how estrogen plays a role in exacerbating those issues. We also highlight the foods with the highest histamine content. Additionally, Dr. Becky enlightens us on how to test for histamine intolerance, and we offer some valuable advice on maintaining a sane, balanced, and vibrant life.

I hope you enjoy today’s insightful discussion with Dr. Becky Campbell! I know you will learn a lot from it!


Why women in perimenopause and menopause are more susceptible to histamine problems

The range of symptoms caused by histamine receptors

How genetic mutations can affect histamine metabolism and lead to histamine intolerance

The crucial role of estrogen and progesterone in regulating histamine release in the body

How endocrine disruptors in personal care products can impact hormone levels and cause a histamine response

How exercising can trigger histamine release in the body- particularly in warm environments

Why people who have done a keto or Whole30 diet may experience histamine issues

Dr. Becky identifies histamine-rich foods that could trigger cancer in some people

The challenges associated with going low-histamine

The importance of making conscious dietary choices and avoiding inflammatory foods

Dr. Becky shares her experience with histamine intolerance 


Dr. Becky Campbell is a board-certified doctor of natural medicine who was initially introduced to functional medicine as a patient. She struggled with many of the issues her patients struggle with today, and she has made it her mission to help patients all around the world with her virtual practice. 

Dr. Becky Campbell is the founder of Dr. Becky, the host of The Health Babes Podcast, and author of The 30-Day Thyroid Reset Plan, The 4-Phase Histamine Reset Plan, Low Histamine Cooking in Your Instant Pot, and her latest book, The Health Babes Guide to Balancing Hormones.

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