Credits: All songs and texts used with permission
Opening Prayer: Written by Christine Valters Paintner
Opening Song: Grandmother Song by Sandy Vaughn, adapted by Lorraine Bayes from the album The Love of Thousands: Singing with Angels, Saints, and Ancestors
First Reading: Easter, Sandra. Jung and the Ancestors: Beyond Biography, Mending the Ancestral Web. Muswell Hill Press. Kindle Edition.
Sung Psalm Opening and Doxology: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan from the album Monk in the World: Songs for Contemplative Living
Psalm Version: Tune: The Banks of Claudy, Words: Kiran Young Wimberly © 2015, from the album Celtic Psalms Vol 2.
Second Reading: Colossians 3:15-16 (NRSV)
Prayers of Concern: Written by Melinda Thomas
Sung Response: Words by Abbey Dream Team. Music by Betsey Beckman. Arranged and performed by Alexa Sunshine Rose and Simon de Voil © 2023
Closing Song: Following the River Home by Lorraine Bayes from the album Earth, Our Original Monastery: Singing Our Way to the Sacred
Closing Blessing: Written by Christine Valters Paintner to companion her book The Love of Thousands : How Angels, Saints, and Ancestors Walk with Us Toward Holiness (used with permission from Ave Maria Press)
Please note: All of the songs and prayer responses are published on CDs in the Abbey of the Arts collection. In addition, these songs & responses have accompanying gesture prayers and/or dances created by Betsey Beckman that can be found on the corresponding DVD (each album has a DVD companion). Audio and video recordings of the Prayer Cycles are available at