This week Kadie chats with T. David (Dave) Ritter, a fisheries biologist, artist, and one of the members of the California White Shark Project. Throughout this episode we chat about Dave's career path, including his Master's research on fish movement in a remote tributary of the Smith River in Montana, how he and his wife (a non-game biologist for Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks) have approached finding biology jobs in the same vicinity as each other, why everyone should become recreational river snorkelers, and more!
The California White Shark Project (CWSP), is run by Dr. Paul Kanive (featured in Episode 212); Scot Anderson, the founding father of white shark monitoring in the Northern Pacific Ocean; Maxine Meckfessel, their super talented outreach coordinator who does anything and everything to keep the CWSP going, their two captains: Ron Elliot and Pat Conroy, and of course Dave Ritter. You can donate to the CWSP directly here or you can purchase CWSP stickers from Dave's artist page here.
Check out Dave's amazing artwork and stickers at And if you'd like to learn more about Ritter Designs, you can find them at
If you'd like to reach Dave directly, you can email him at
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Thanks as always to Andrew Gialanella for the fantastic intro/outro music.
The Fisheries Podcast is a completely independent podcast, not affiliated with a larger organization or entity. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the podcast. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. Views and opinions expressed by the hosts are those of that individual and do not necessarily reflect the view of any entity with those individuals are affiliated in other capacities (such as employers).