Climate Conversations

Climate News: The 'Big Idea' recorded at Bendigo's Climate Summit; Wildfire smoke and the human body; Killer heat takes girls and women; Pets and their carbon footprint


Natasha Mitchell (pictured) recorded a new episode of "Big Ideas" at the May Climate Summit in Bendigo organized by the Greater Bendigo Climate Collaboration - "On ya bike or not? Global movers, shakers, and city shapers reimagining car culture".

"Killer Heat: Confronting Disproportionate Impacts on Women and Girls";

"What Wildfire Smoke Does to the Human Body";

"Corporations Determine Our Future";

"Historic First U.S. Youth Climate Change Trial Starts in Montana";

"Anthropogenic climate change impacts exacerbate summer forest fires in California";

"Alarm at rightwing push to reverse clean-energy success in Texas and beyond";

"90 million homes in the EU have pets. How can we reduce their carbon footprint?";

"What are the dangers of wildfire smoke?";

"How should we teach climate change in schools? It starts with ‘turbo charging’ teacher education";

"To prepare climate strikers for the future, we need to rewrite the history books";

"Climate change: young people striking from school see it for the life-threatening issue it is";

"Five ways the new sustainability and climate change strategy for schools in England doesn’t match up to what young people actually want";

"Wildfire smoke and dirty air are also climate change problems: Solutions for a world on fire";

"Greenhouse gas emissions are at an all-time high and Earth is warming faster than ever – report";

"Americans and their cars";

"Climate change and net zero";

"‘Not a chance in heaven’ to save Great Barrier Reef, but botanic garden will keep corals";

"Climate change is a global problem. Climate action is a local solution.";

"Baby got back(up): Australia embraces the big battery";

"Waste flushed down toilets to begin fuelling gas network";

"‘We are gambling with the future of our planet for the sake of hamburgers’: Peter Singer on climate change";

"As Wildfire Smoke Recedes, Parents of Young Children Worry About the Next Time";

"Only 5% of global emissions are covered by on-track targets, new Tracker from CDP finds";

"Paediatricians sign joint letter urging NT government to withdraw Beetaloo Basin fracking support";

"The government should pay people for driving electric cars, not for buying them";

"An ambitious mapping project  identifies the overlap between crops and biodiversity threats";

"A first detailed glimpse of the world without us. Wildlife during COVID lockdowns."

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Robert McLean. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Robert McLean och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.