Climate Conversations

Climate News: Rockstar-like reception for Saul Giffith at Greater Bendigo climate summit; Heat likely to soar to record levels; Antarctic alarm bells; Car industry in climate lobbying push


"Electrify everything" guru, Saul Griffith (pictured), was the keynote speaker at the recent Greater Bendigo Climate Summit organized by the Greater Bendigo Climate Collaboration.

"The public history, climate change present, and possible future of Australia’s botanic gardens";

"Electric vehicle incentives for ‘gasoline superusers’ would have outsized benefits for the climate";

"What should happen to native forests when logging ends? Ask Victoria’s First Peoples";

"A new trade deal delivers cheaper Australian beef and British sweets – but does little to avert dangerous global warming";

"Victorian government changes preferred transmission line route for VNI West project";

"Greens accuse Labor of ‘sweetheart deal for Woodside’ in petroleum resource rent tax changes";

"Antarctic alarm bells: observations reveal deep ocean currents are slowing earlier than predicted";

"Do people think ‘plant-based yoghurt’ comes from a cow, or are lobby groups crying over spilt milk?";

"The rich and powerful are using their superyachts for secret meetings far from prying eyes";

"Heat Will Likely Soar to Record Levels in Next 5 Years, New Analysis Says";

"Cop28 moots oil and gas initiative despite greenwash accusations";

"Montana Repeals State Energy Policy as Climate Trial Nears";

"Climate change to blame for up to 17 deaths on Mount Everest, experts say";

"The icy waters off the coast of Antarctica are in a state of constant change";

"Electric cars could dominate sales by 2030, study finds";

"Radical climate activists pushing to ‘inconvenience SUV owners’ by deflating 4x4 tyres in major cities";

"Protesters rally against proposed new fines as SA Premier Peter Malinauskas slammed for working with opposition";

"Landfill of Unused Fast Fashion Clothes Has Grown Large Enough to Be Seen From Space";

"Bottom-Dwelling Marine Animals Thriving on Offshore Wind Farm Foundations";

"Inside the car industry’s climate lobbying push";

"Laws targeting protesters are being rushed through state parliaments. But they are often poorly designed and sometimes, unconstitutional";

"Austrade forum to promote links with oil giant Saudi Aramco condemned by activists";

""No safe level of air pollution": Health advocates join calls for a strong Fuel Efficiency Standard";

"With Green Prescriptions, Getting Healthier Is a Walk in the Park";

"Capturing carbon with machines if a failure, so why are we subsidizing it?";

"Tesla Model Y is the first EV to become the world’s bestselling car":

"Flood-Battered Italian Region May See More Violent and Frequent Storms";

"Ugly Fight Over Climate Bill Exposes Cracks in German Coalition";

"Testing New York Apartments: How Dirty Is That Gas Stove, Really?";

"Can snow resorts survive climate change? It depends how much money you have";

"Could climate change make Darwin unliveable in 50 years?";

"Fossil fuel firms owe climate reparations of $209bn a year, says study".


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