Climate Conversations

Climate News: Protect the Pacific, act on climate; Climate breakdown, "Off the charts"; Rules change to push of electric car sales; Aussie military has climate in its targets U.K. hotter than Rome


Listen as Patricia Karvelas talks with the former President of Kirabati, Anote Tong (pictured): "Push for Australia act on climate change to protect the Pacific";

"Works to commence on Australia’s largest wind farm";

"Scientists save ancient Arctic ice in race to preserve climate history";

"No rain in Spain pushes olive oil prices to record levels";

"Which tool best coaxes climate-friendly habits: Information, money, or social signals?";

"Why EV conversions could become more mainstream for classic cars through to 4WD utes";

"Remember that record $443m of funding for the Great Barrier Reef? This is what happened to it";

"UK hotter than Rome as Easter weekend brings brief temperature highs";

"Global warming can aggravate multiple sclerosis symptoms. Here’s what you can do.";

"E.P.A. Is Said to Propose Rules Meant to Drive Up Electric Car Sales Tenfold";

"A Composer’s Prayers for the Earth, and Humanity, in the Age of Climate Change";

"This Dime-Sized Battery Is a Step Toward an EV With a 1,000-Mile Range";

"Why Kentucky Is Dead Last for Wind and Solar Production";

"Earth Could Warm 3 Degrees if Nations Keep Building Coal Plants, New Research Warns";

"A University of Maryland Health Researcher Probes the Climate Threat to Those With Chronic Diseases";

"Global Warming Could Drive Pulses of Ice Sheet Retreat Reaching 2,000 Feet Per Day";

"‘Off the charts’: UN report highlights rapid climate breakdown";

"The Meat Industry Is Advertising Like Big Oil";

"Australia’s adoption of electric vehicles has been maddeningly slow, but we’re well placed to catch up fast";

"Climate isn’t a distraction from the military’s job of war fighting. It’s front and centre";

"Intensifying Cycle of Extreme Heat And Drought Grips Europe".


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