On this episode, GW11 is upon us, and Nuno has paid the price for being Nuno, getting the sack after just four months in charge: we talk Tottenham and the arrival of serial winner Antonio Conte; Chelsea head into a fixture with a Burnley side they like to spank, given how many goals their defenders like to score, is it only Chelsea defenders from here on out? The Manchester derby is here, can Ole hold steady? And Jordie is contemplating the unthinkable by trading out uber value defender Livramento: he’ll talk us through that decision process.

These questions and much more, in our chatty football pie

A MonkeyBuns Production

Original stings and material byAlfie Evers

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Extra music by:

Ross Power

An Example For by Captive Portal

Listen to‘Pressure’ by Alfatron6000 - the unofficial official song of Fantasy Football

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Alfie Evers. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Alfie Evers och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.