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Most people start running to lose body fat, right? All their running friends are skinny, so losing body fat is what happens, right? Scientists have been saying for a while now that you can't outrun a bad diet, and I mostly agree. It's like jumping off a cliff and building a plane on the way down. I'm not saying it's impossible. But it's pretty hard to do. Most people can't actually do it.

But what if I were to tell you that there's actually a way that you can maintain and or lose body fat so you feel light, spry, loose, free? Well, I think I might have actually found that way. Listen on to find out how you can lose and maintain your body fat and more on this episode of DLake Deliberates.

I do a deep dive around the idea that running alone may not be enough to lose body fat. While many people start running with the goal of shedding pounds, the truth is that diet plays a crucial role in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. I know that while it is possible to outrun a bad diet, it is a challenging feat that most people struggle with.

I present a potential solution for maintaining and losing body fat that I’ve figured out through a lot of trial and error.

Through my own personal experiences as a runner and endurance athlete I offer insights on how to continuously improve run smarter and overall live better as a human.

Major Disclaimer: While this was reviewed and approved by a certified dietician (Jordan Cain) since this is dealing with food and nutrition - this is just for informational and entertainment purposes only - please feel free to disagree with me. I am not your dietician/nutritionist so please consult with a certified one that understands your own personal goals, history and habits to make sure that you get the best outcome.

What You’ll Learn Timestamps

[03:14] Part 1 - What does running a lot look like? The problem

[05:42] Part 2 - What Does Eating a Lot Look Like? The Problem

[09:07] Part 3 - Here's what I did to solve the running too much problem

[11:05] Part 4 - Here’s what I did to solve the eating too much problem

[13:18] - What is a calorie?

[15:09] Seasonal approach to eating.

[16:46] - So can you really out run a bad diet?

Links & Learnings

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