Uncover deeper insights into your business with NetSuite Analytics Warehouse: http://tinyurl.com/3rrub2d4 

Mark Chuberka, NetSuite Administrator for home goods retailer BirdRock Brands, appears on this episode with cohost Ian McCue. Mark kicks off the episode by explaining what goods BirdRock sells [1:52] and how the company has expanded to three warehouses and 50 employees [3:55]. He shares how Amazon provided the business’s big break [4:42] and how its previous systems struggled to support the Seller Fulfilled Prime vendor [7:01]. The NetSuite admin walks through immediate benefits the ERP provided [9:00] and then highlights how NetSuite Connectors have simplified sales on online marketplaces [14:48]. After that, he dives into why the company added NetSuite Analytics Warehouse [20:22], how the retailer uses the application [22:41], and what distinguishes it from native NetSuite reporting capabilities [26:59]. Mark also details how the entire suite drives efficiency across the business [31:51] and the value BirdRock has gleaned from NetSuite Learning Cloud Support (LCS) [33:28]. He wraps up by sharing the retailer's future plans [38:03].

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Follow Us Here:

Mark Chuberka: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markchuberka/ 

BirdRock Brands: https://www.linkedin.com/company/birdrock-brands/ 

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