It's the end of the week and we've had She-Hulk on the mind lately, so we decided to drop a BONUS reading club this week featuring Marvel Studios' She-Hulk writer and author of Rescue 2020 and  Anatomy: A Love Story, Dana Schwartz! Plus, stick around for a Dan Slott appearance as he chimes in on his She-Hulk run. 

This reading club originally aired in November with Ryan "Agent M" Penagos & Tucker Markus, but it's never been more timely! We'll be back next week with our usual shenanigans, but until then hit us up at or by tweeting at us using #MarvelsPullList! Just make sure to mark it “Okay to read”!

What we're reading with Dana Schwartz: She-Hulk (2004) #1-6

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Marvel's Pull List

BONUS: She-Hulk: Single Green Female w/ Dana Schwartz & Dan Slott
