In 2011, Allyn Cureton‘s nearly 30-year FKT for a single crossing was finally broken by Jared Scott (1971-) of Colorado, with a time of 3:06:10, just 36 seconds faster. Cureton was at the top of the South Kaibab trail to congratulate him. In 2012, Rob Krar (1976-) of Flagstaff, was the first runner to break three hours, with a time of 2:51:30. As of 2022, the single-crossing FKT is held by Tim Freriks (1990-) of Flagstaff, with 2:39:28, set in 2017. Kimber Mattox (1988-) of Bend, Oregon, holds the women’s FKT with 3:11:57, set in 2022.

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