In this episode of “Sara Gonzales Unfiltered,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. didn't qualify for next week's presidential debate, set for June 27. CNN has introduced strict new rules for the debate, including muted microphones, commercial breaks, no live audience, no opening statements, and no pre-written notes. Former CNN political analyst Chris Cillizza suggests that these rules favor President Joe Biden, who will remain at Camp David until the day of the debate. Meanwhile, Washington’s Democratic governor, Jay Inslee, is stockpiling abortion pills in response to a potential Trump administration return. In a shocking revelation brought by James O’Keefe, Disney's senior VP, Michael Giordano, exposed discriminatory hiring practices against white males, such as the company using "code words" to dodge legal trouble and offering bonuses for diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. Giordano also notes candidates have been rejected for not fitting racial profiles. Just Stop Oil protesters caused a stir by spraying orange cornflour paint on Stonehenge. NBC's medical drama, "New Amsterdam," made an insane claim that cancer can be caused by racism. Lastly, on "The Daily Show," Marlon Wayans grilled Nathan Wade about his affair with Fulton County DA Fani Willis. BlazeTV contributors Jaco Booyens and Matthew Marsden join the show.

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