EARTHLOVE, 6min., Sweden

Directed by Felicia Konrad, Johan Haugen

EarthLove is a poetic music/dance film with 6 dancers, filmed in the city of Malmö, south of Sweden. “There’s a revolution that needs to happen and it starts from inside each one of us. We need to wake up and fall in love with Earth. We’ve been homo sapiens for a long time. Now it’s time to become homo conscious.” Thich Nhat Hanh

Get to know filmmaker Felicia Konrad:

A strong sense of that we need to become aware of the fact that we are not separated from Earth, we are a part of Earth. And the inspiration to find the playfulness in shifting into a wider perspective sensing ourselves becoming with Earth.

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WILDsound: The Film Podcast

EP. 1258 - Filmmaker Felicia Konrad (EARTHLOVE)
