3 Things

SC on Shiv Sena, climate change's economic cost, and a case against Kharge


First, Indian Express' Shubhangi Khapre joins us to talk about the Supreme Court's verdict on the Sena vs Sena tussle in Maharashtra.Second, the Indian Express' Udit Misra discusses how climate change impacts the Indian economy and our ongoing efforts to mitigate its effects. (13:14)Lastly, we provide a brief update on the case against Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge, who has been accused of making defamatory remarks against the Bajrang Dal. (23:23)Hosted by Rahel PhiliposeProduced and scripted by Utsa Sarmin, Rahel Philipose, Anwiti Singh and Shashank BhargavaEdited and mixed by Suresh Pawar and Abhishek Kumar

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