Today, we are joined by Dr. Daniel Paull. Dr. Paull is an orthopedic surgeon, founder and CEO of Easy Orthopedics.
A surgeon by training, and a medical field disruptor by passion and author of the book, So You got Into Medical School…Now What?
I have been following his Linkedin posts for quite a while and I resonate deeply with his posts, that's why I brought him to the show today.
Are today's doctors softer than old-fashioned doctors?
We talk about the constant fears and doubts that surround us after residency and the widespread "Pseudo stability trap" that we, as physicians, still believe in.
We talk about our personal experience with an existential crisis and Dr. Paull tells us what helped him overcome his.
"Look, when you're seeing a patient,there's an algorithmic ways to treat somebody, but you have to take into account their social, their economic, and their emotional situation. And that's where the kind of art of medicine comes in." - Dr. Daniel Paull
"I think that's where a lot of the disconnect is where someone says, I don't like practicing medicine. Really what they might be is they don't like practicing medicine the way they are practicing it now. There's a big disconnect from how you kind of learn what medicine maybe should be like in medical school to how it's actually carried out in residency afterwards" - Dr. Daniel Paull
"I mean, nobody really forms a business because things are good. You form it because things aren't good. There's a problem either where you're working or there's some problem you're trying to solve or something's not going right." - Dr. Daniel Paull
"To make it through medical training, you have to be so stubborn. Like, I thought I was one of the most stubborn people I knew. And then I went to med school. I'm like, oh, everybody's stubborn." - Dr. Daniel Paull
"We need people out not only seeing patients, but we need people on the other side of things, developing technology, working with big business, fighting for physician rights and trying to make a better system, because the reason we're in this mess in the first place is because doctors decided not to care about business. - Dr. Rami
"If you don't focus on the business part of your practice, somebody else will do it for you. And you probably won't like it" - Dr. Daniel Paull
"When you go on your residency interview, take note of how happy the people are when you're interviewing. And if all of them are happy, it's probably good. If they're all miserable, don't go there because you're not going to be an outlier, you will be miserable too." - Dr. Daniel Paull
Show Notes:
- The reasons for an existential crisis
- What helped Dr. Paull overcome his existential crisis
- What is destroying your health
- The constant fears and doubts that surrounds us after residency
- The reality of medicine today
- Why you should be a disruptive type
- The "pseudo stability trap"
- How its to be a doctor and be part of the status quo at the same time
- The difficulties of speaking out about the system that you are in
- The disagreements between doctors in orthopedics
- Are today's doctors softer than old fashioned doctors?
Buy Dr. Paull's book on Amazon: