My guest is Manoj Dias – author, teacher, speaker and co-founder of Open, a modern meditation organization based in California. I have been using Open to participate in the January meditation and breathwork challenge, and it’s quickly becoming my favorite mindfulness app. If you’d like to experience it for yourself, download the Open app here.
We discuss:
How Manoj found himself on the intersection of meditation and technology
How meditation came into Manoj’s life
From corporate marketing to being a meditation teacher
Transforming the story of “there’s something wrong with me”
How Open is giving spirituality a different marketing campaign
Meditation as a gateway to a life of clarity and ease
Manoj’s cultural and religious background, and what it was like growing up in the Buddhist tradition
How Manoj knew that he’d just met his spiritual teacher
The journey of listening to your body
Expanding from a drop-in meditation studio to a global app
Finding the balance between rhythms of creation and rest as an entrepreneur
Trusting your body’s wisdom
Finding harmony between the heart and the mind
Manoj’s decision to go from teacher to a tech entrepreneur
Connect with Manoj Dias:
Open meditation, breathwork and movement app
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