Explore the backstory of the highly-anticipated ONE Championship Strawweight World Muay Thai Title clash between Smilla Sundell and Allycia Rodrigues!

In this episode, I had an insightful conversation with Muay Thai commentator and aficionado, Matt Lucas, as we dive into the details leading up to this epic showdown.

Before the event, we delved into the background of this thrilling matchup, providing in-depth pre-fight analysis and expert predictions to heighten the excitement.

Stay tuned for the live stream of ONE Fight Night 14, scheduled for September 29th, where you can witness the action unfold in real-time on Amazon Prime and the official ONE Championship YouTube Channel.

After the event, you can revisit this video to see how our pre-fight analysis compared to the actual results and relive the highlights of this fierce battle for the ONE Strawweight World Muay Thai Title. Don’t miss this exciting journey from buildup to the review!

Further notes and resources at https://heatrick.com/2023/09/29/pre-fight-breakdown-one-championship-smilla-sundell-vs-allycia-rodrigues/

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