Aaron Balick is a psychotherapist, speaker, consultant, educator, and author of The Psychodynamics of Social Networking.

Social media invites snap emotional reactions, muddling clear thinking and escalating global tensions. It feeds on our anger, oversimplifying complex problems which blocks our ability to empathize. Nuanced explanations are demonized as if seeking to understand was an affront. If we learn to pause and reflect, we can overcome social media's divisive influence and discover middle-ground solutions in both personal and world affairs.

Prepare to discover where emotional reactivity has been weaponized in social media, what geopolitical consequences are still felt from impulsive reactions, how to distinguish between a reactive and responsive attitude, whether expressing an understanding of complex issues will get you cancelled, why platforms simplify and sensationalize issues and so much more…

HERE'S A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE: https://thisjungianlife.com/aaron_baylick/

Connect with Aaron Baylick:

Twitter and Instagram:  @DrAaronB

Aaron's Website: https://www.aaronbalick.com/

Aaron's Books: https://www.aaronbalick.com/books


Psychoanalytic reflections on Google, social networking, and ‘virtual impingement’: https://www.aaronbalick.com/_files/ugd/1259db_01c6c18517364bbfa1947db34847ff58.pdf

Social Media, Identity, and Careful Culture: https://www.aaronbalick.com/_files/ugd/1259db_6341c94972f34694b39722901c5534cd.pdf

On The Failure to Understand: The Psychology of Weaponised Reactivity: https://www.aaronbalick.com/post/on-the-failure-to-understand-the-psychology-of-weaponised-reactivity

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