For three decades, Julio César Cedillo has been delivering authentic, nuanced, fully realized performances in films and television series such as “Sicario,” “Cowboys and Aliens,” “The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada,” “Narcos Mexico,” and the new Netflix film “Chupa,” to name just a few. In this hour, he generously shares what he’s learned from being a “lunchbox actor,” doing this work he loves. He talks about why, as an actor who happens to be Mexican, his first read of a script is a “search for traps.” Through stories detailing his experiences on-set, he explains why it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission, the importance of “owning it,” why humbleness doesn’t serve the work, and much much more.

Back To One is the in-depth, no-nonsense, actors-on-acting podcast from  Filmmaker Magazine. In each episode, host Peter Rinaldi invites one working actor to do a deep dive into their unique process, psychology, and approach to the craft. 

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