"We All Have Our Stuff, We Are All White Belts At Something" -- Judging Others vs. Understanding Others. This episode is designed for anyone seeking to conquer their ignorance and tendency to quickly rush to judge others. The words and ideas in this podcast are intended to inspire you to live more positively, to focus more on Goodness, to see and be Oneness with everything around you. The mindset of “God is All and All is God” is a powerful perspective that helps us live fully and completely and harmoniously in the present moment. This prism and paradigm is designed to empower and raise your vibration, to not just imagine your Highest Ideals and Best Self — but to BE those ideals, EXPRESS those ideals, EMBODY those ideals, LIVE those ideals. The biggest takeaway from this mantra and mindshift is this: Be quick to seek to understand others, slow to judgment. This frees us to live in greater harmony with others, to see the Divine in them, and also cultivate more inner peace, poise, grace, confidence, and radiance.

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Frank Forza. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Frank Forza och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.