For A Few Chickens More: A Song of Schweiss and Johnson - A Game of Thrones Podcast

For A Few Chickens More: A Song of Schweiss and Johnson - A Game of Thrones Podcast


Two old work buddies unite to talk everything Game of Thrones. From the epic ongoing HBO mega-hit to the sprawling worlds created by George R.R. Martin, Kaleb Schweiss and James Johnson discuss it all. Join us weekly as we compare and contrast the two mediums as we re-watch the HBO series in anticipation for it's final season.

Two old work buddies unite to talk everything Game of Thrones. From the epic ongoing HBO mega-hit to the sprawling worlds created by George R.R. Martin, Kaleb Schweiss and James Johnson discuss it all. Join us weekly as we compare and contrast the two mediums as we re-watch the HBO series in anticipation for it's final season.

Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Kaleb Schweiss, James Johnson. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Kaleb Schweiss, James Johnson och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.