Tune in to our three-part podcast series exploring The Joyce's 2024 American Dance Platform! Listen in as dramaturg, scholar, and ADP guest curator Melanie George sits down with the artists who will take the stage during our annual festival.

In this episode, hear from the artists of Soles of Duende, a multicultural, all-female percussive trio based in the rhythms of Tap, Flamenco, and Kathak dance. Amanda Castro (Tap), Arielle Rosales (Flamenco), and Brinda Guha (Kathak) make their Joyce debut with Can We Dance Here?, a riveting performance of rhythmic exchange.

Check out the remaining episodes in our series for a behind-the-scenes look with Dallas Black Dance Theatre and the specially curated program, "Jazz at The Joyce!" 

See Soles of Duende at The Joyce on January 11 & 14, 2024! Visit www.joyce.org/performances/soles-duende for more information. 

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