Have you thought much about the fact that you need to sell your product THREE times before someone can use it at home? I don’t share this to be depressing because sometimes one sounds like enough! And if it sounds like more work, it’s just the reality of breaking down the process that’s already happening and being intentional with your marketing and sales plans to leverage your brand strategy foundations.
I’m talking about first selling into a retail buyer, then selling at shelf once you’re there to get into somebody’s cart, and then selling from their fridge or pantry or snack bin to get it on the plate or in a lunchbox or wherever it ends up getting eaten. And then as part of that, delighting people so that they want to buy it again and again. We don’t want it to get lost in the back of their pantry.
So, our three steps of intentional marketing and sales include:
Get ON shelf Get IN the cart Get OUT of the pantry, fridge, snack drawer, etc.
First, getting ON the shelf, you have to create a compelling story that your brand and product line is going to make a positive contribution to the retailer’s and buyer’s goals. Once you’ve completed your brand strategy you’ll actually have a differentiated strategy (beyond your product tasting delicious) to help that retailer see why you are going to add to incremental sales as part of them bringing you in.
Next, we are getting INTO the cart. And that means standing out on either the shelf or through your online listing. We talk through multiple ways to do this so that you’ll grab attention and engage them to flip over the package or click on more pictures as they seek to learn more.
Last but certainly not least…getting the product OUT of the pantry or fridge. This is a very under-discussed topic in my view is the conversation around promoting in-home use so they won’t forget they have the product and will actually enjoy using it. The LAST thing we want is for it to get stuck in the back of the pantry or fridge until past the expiration date. I share an example of a website that sent me a post-purchase email that did a great job engaging me with a product I purchased and inviting me to reorder. Sometimes I forget to re-order brands I know and love so it was appreciated.
One caveat, if you’re selling on your company’s website you can skip that first gatekeeper step that you have with retail or some aggregate online sales platforms, but the concepts are still really good to think through to be intentional about each step of the journey from buyer to breakfast table! If you’ve already completed your brand strategy, that can influence each step of the way.
We need to think about selling in your products to get them on shelf or on the website, then popping off the shelf/website so that they can get it into carts. And finally, we want to remember how we can stay top of mind in the pantry so that your brand will actually get invited back to their table.
Whether it be a lunch table at school, a fancy dinner table…whatever kind of table your product and your brand is positioned for we want to get them there and delight them and have them invite you to join them on a regular basis, leading to increased purchase frequency and velocity.
To recap what you’ll learn in this episode: 1) a brief overview of each of these three steps with ideas to be intentional with your own brand along the way
2) an easy-to-implement breakdown to make these complex topics easier to work through piece by piece while staying integrated and bringing your brand to life.
3) an example of a well-done email I got to remind me what I had sitting in my pantry waiting for me to enjoy!
4) ways we can work together on creating your brand strategy to position your brand to stand out, including a 60-minute Brand Strategy Session, my self-paced program + mini Mastermind called Brand Strategy Streamlined™, a more in-depth 4-week 1:1 process called Brand Strategy Playbook, and a Live small group Course option (please see link in resources).
Resources —Interest form to learn more about a LIVE small group course option —Real Food Brands Marketing Round Table on Facebook —FullyHealth.com —Real Food Brands Instagram —RealFoodBrands.com
Thanks for being here, now let’s go shake up shopping carts! Katie