When your financials aren’t in order, you tend to spend more time thinking about money. How much money is in the bank right now? Can we pay the team? Can we make this investment? There’s a belief that when cash flow and profits aren’t where we need them to be, the solution is to just work harder and sell more. However, there’s a lot you can do outside of that to get a handle on your finances and increase profitability.

Today on the Real Food Brands Podcast, host and food & bev Brand Strategist Katie Mleziva talks with Sarah Delevan, a financial consultant who helps food brands achieve profitability. In this episode, we talk about the common mistakes many brands make with their finances, and how you can create a profitability formula for your food business.

In This Episode: 

  • How her own food business challenges lead Sarah to become an expert in food financials and help others.
  • Why selling more doesn’t necessarily mean increased profitability.
  • What you need to see on your P&L.
  • The problems with pricing based on competition or industry standards.
  • Why you need to know your financials before scaling your food business.
  • How to create a financial success formula for your food brand.


Podden och tillhörande omslagsbild på den här sidan tillhör Katie Mleziva. Innehållet i podden är skapat av Katie Mleziva och inte av, eller tillsammans med, Poddtoppen.