Derek Steer, Co-founder and CEO of Mode Analytics.

Mode helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses faster through data-driven decision making. The Mode platform combines the best elements of Business Intelligence (ABI), Data Science (DS) and Machine Learning (ML) to empower data teams to answer impactful questions and collaborate on analysis across a range of business functions.

In 2019, Mode added a number of premiere enterprise companies to its customer base, which now includes Anheuser Busch, Zillow, Lyft, Bloomberg, Capital One, VMWare, and Conde Nast, among others.

In 2020, Mode was the recipient of four G2 Awards, including Best Estimated ROI, Fastest Implementation, Highest Performer, and Overall Leader. At this point, 52% of the Forbes 500 have signed up for Mode.

Mode is currently being used by marquee companies such as Lyft, Zillow, Unbounce, Doordash, Everlane and Meredith publishing for product, financial and marketing analytics. Mode goes beyond traditional business intelligence by speeding up answers to complex business problems and making the process more collaborative, so that everyone can build on the work of data analysts. Mode recently closed a successful Series D round for Mode, bringing the total funding raised to $83M.

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