Black Like Me

S9 E185: "We Made A Decisions To Make Memories And Laugh... 'Cause We'd Have The Rest Of Lives To Mourn.": Dr. Gee And Rev. Lilada Talk About Losing Their Mom To Alzheimer's Disease.


This is the first in a series on Alzheimer’s on both a personal and medical research level, focused on the impact on Black and Indigenous people. Rev. Lilada and Dr. Alex Gee share funny stories about their mother after the effects of Alzheimer’s. They discuss some of the signposts of Alzheimer’s for others dealing with those in their lives

They also tell about the process of discovering Alzheimer’s with their mother and her journey, including finding home for assistance. Plus, Lilada finally gets in on the Black Ice Breakers.

Read an article Dr. Gee wrote about when he discovered his mother had alzheimer's:

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